Welcome to
Arrietty's Universe
Hi, I'm a sophomore at Zhejiang University. Here, you'll find my course
notes, internship and research experiences, along with a few glimpses of my life. If you'd like to learn more about me, feel free
to reach out and chat~
What is this website built for?我为什么要创建这个网站?
>>为什么要创建这个网站?>> 在浙大爬行了一年后,我发现
daysat Zhejiang University
creditsalready earned
daysof research experience
段internship experience
About Me关于我
Here are some personal introduction cards about me. If you'd like to learn more, you can click the button below.
我的主业是计算机。虽然我的技术能力并不出众,但对基础知识的掌握还算扎实。 接下来,我将尝试拓宽自己的专业视野,探索更多可能的技术方向,并努力提升自己的专业能力。 My major is Computer Science, and I have a solid grasp of the fundamentals. In the future, I plan to broaden my horizons by exploring new and emerging technical directions while continuously striving to enhance my expertise and skill set.
计算机 / Computer Science
对,我还在辅修金融学,并且开启了一段券商的实习。 我即将修完辅修专业的所有课程,在这之后,我将更多地投入到个人技术能力的提升上,并持续探索计算机金融的更多可能。 I am pursuing a minor in Finance and have started an internship at a securities firm. I am about to complete my minor coursework, after which I will continue to explore the possibilities at the intersection of computer science and finance.
金融学 / Finance
我非常喜欢画画和摄影,绘画以水彩、丙烯和板绘为主。 我比较喜欢后现代艺术,尤其是极简主义,它们似乎有着一种天然的“宁静感”。空下来的时候,我也常去画廊和博物馆闲逛。 I am really passionate about painting and photography, focusing on watercolor, acrylic, and digital art. Drawn to contemporary art, I am a frequent visitor to galleries and museums, with minimalism shaping my aesthetic style.
艺术 / Art
我喜欢古典、后现代古典和音乐剧,还有上海彩虹合唱。在古典乐中,我比较喜欢室内乐、竖琴协奏和交响。有时候,如果古典听多了我也会换换口味,听一些欧美流行和另类音乐。 I enjoy classical music, contemporary classical, musicals, and the Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers. Chamber, concertos and symphonies are my favourite. Sometimes, I switch to pop and alternative music to enjoy a different vibe, too.
音乐 / Music
我还很喜欢马拉松和骑行。寒暑假中,我会努力坚持每天跑步10km。 我的800m达到三级运动员标准,3000m可以跑进10min,我还曾挑战骑行爬升1/2珠峰,上下龙井山共31趟。 I enjoy marathons and cycling, making an effort to run 10km everyday during summer and winter breaks. I've met the Class III athlete standard for the 800m and 1500m and once cycled a climb that equal to half of Everest's elevation (4424m).
体育 / Sport